Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Name Is Earl

Apparently, either J or I have done something to upset the karma gods. Not sure what it could have been. Maybe it was the time I got too much change in the grocery store and I realized it later and didn't bring the extra back. There have been too many things in the last couple months that have happened to mention them all. For example, I went in last week to get a nail hole patched in my tire and ended up leaving with 4 NEW tires. Then, less than one week later I discover that I have a giant screw in the SAME tire I went in to get fixed. This morning we were set to leave Yakima at 7am for our big road trip and of course there was a major mal-function with J's truck that had a major service check this last week. Then, when we were already a couple hours behind, we stop at a rest stop to eat dinner. A kind truck driver came up to the rv and mentioned that there was something leaking out of the back of the rv. Turns out it was the power steering fluid. After some jerry-rigging, we were back on the road. We got into West Yellowstone at 12:20, the rv fun continues....the jacks won't go down, we are having a problem with one of the visors, blah, blah, blah. I hope we run into a bear in the park tomorrow because I am so ready for a brawl. Crap, since I said that it will probably happen:(

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Crop

Although I haven't been entirely successful in the past, I decided to plant some vegetables this year. I have had herbs for a couple of years now that seem to do pretty well, even my basil looks good this year. The problem for me has always been that I don't think we ever get hot enough in Seattle for long enough. Well, things are looking pretty good this year. I planted cucumber, zucchini, jalepenos, and tomatoes along with various herbs and some great smelling lemon verbena. I have been using the herbs in my dishes for awhile now but today was my first harvest of vegetables. Today I picked a jalepeno and zucchini so here are some pics! Also, compare my pond picture to last years(on the bottom, duh).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Beachin It

Yesterday we took Jose and his family to the beach and had a great time. The weather was perfect and the beach was nearly empty. Before we headed down there I popped into Fred Meyer for some beach toys and they were a big hit. This was Diego's (in picture) first time at the beach and he was loving being able to get super dirty. By the time we left, both boys had sand in their ears, probably up their noses, and in their underwear!