Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gangus and the Whaler

This week we had a couple of adventures worth mentioning. The other night J, my mom and I went to dinner at one of the houses that J built. He has become friends with the buyers and they had us over for a bbq. The picture is of their darling 18 month old and their dog Gangus. This little girl was so cute and so smart and she loves her doggy. Her dog, on the other hand, loved me and spent the entire evening trying to have sex with my leg. They said that this is fairly common for Gangus but they had never seen him want it this bad. Great, apparently I could ride off into the sunset with any golden retriever of my choice! It got so bad that when I took my shoes off he started licking them. Okay Gangus, now you're just getting creepy.
Yesterday, N was nice enough to take me with her on her first crabbing adventure of the season. This was also the first time taking the Whaler out of the season. At first, it didn't want to start. Of course, all we had to do was ask a guy if he could help us and then as soon as he was there, it started. How Rude! We had a great time out on the open water of Edmonds. We dropped two traps which were baited with roasted chicken and then took a little cruise around. Later in the evening, N went back with C and her brood and pulled the traps up. They got 11 total but only 5 males. That was okay because only N had a crabbing license. Hopefully there will be more adventures to come over the summer.


Anonymous said...

What's next for the pudget sound version of "Deadliest Catch?" Nice photo's.. Yesterday Capt. D and I were out on the great Rimrock lake. We ended up towing one boater back to the launch. I'm pretty sure that they siezed the engine. Rimrocks version of "coast gaurd" the sheriff showed up and checked on those dudes.

Don't forget your PFD's!

College Football Guys said...

I will be watching you the next time you hang out with Rubie. Don't want to see you too walking off into the sunset...