Sunday, September 23, 2007

Learning Curve

Another day in the RV and I am figuring out more and more that I don't have a lot of stuff that we need. That's okay though, there is plenty of time to buy things. Yesterday we did some shopping at the outlets, ate some bbq, had some sparkling wine with a great view,and watched the first 3 quarters of the Husky game. We called a sports bar close the park and they told me they would have the Dawgs on tv. When we got there, they said they couldn't get the channel. They had 14 tvs and they couldn't get the channel! J made a few phone calls and we ended up at a little hamburger joint with 4 tvs and the owner put the game on for us. If you are ever in Petaluma, head to Julians by the G & G grocery store. The owner was a really nice guy and only 26 years old. He opened the place 3 years ago and is now studying to become a radiologist. It is always impressive to meet someone with that much drive and motivation.

This morning I made our first meal in the RV....eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. Overall it was pretty good but since I realized that we don't have salt after I had already gone to the grocery store, we had to make due. A bunch of people checked out this morning so J is seeing if we can get a better spot. Stay tuned.......


Anonymous said...

Excuse me. Excuse me, Senor. May I speak to you please? I asked for a margarita, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and Toast. I asked for no salt, no salt in the margarita. But it had salt in it. (the waiter leaves) If you do that again, I won't be leaving a tip. I won't be putting one down. Sir?
I could check into a competing resort...

boxfactoryboy said...

No Salt, how could this happen. Oh Well. You are 'ruffin' it so to speak. What could it be like to live on the edge in Napa Valley without salt and NO one willing to watch a losing Huskey game when they can watch their beloved USC beat the snot out of the Cougs? But you know, that is the adventure in this whole thing, go with the flow and you will be OK. Sounds like you are having a good time....but a better spot? Where did they put you, by the garbage cans? That is so Napa though, says it all really. Remember, some days you get the great spots and some days you take what you can get.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bosco - hope you are having a good time. That RV would scare the crap outta me too! I hope you get to see and sniff some cool stuff on your trip.
Oh - and wish your old man a belated happy birthday from my peeps - they are horrible with calendars!