Wednesday, November 12, 2008

80 years and other bits....

This weekend I went to Oregon to help my grandma celebrate her 80th birthday with cake and coffee at the church. It was a good time and it got almost all of my family together which, in my opinion, doesn't happen often enough. We had a nice visit with the parental units as well. The weekend before, I had my dia de los muertos party which I think overall, was a success. I plan on having it again next year, which will be on a Monday. Plan you days off accordingly for next year! Here are a couple of picks from my goings on....

1 comment:

boxfactoryboy said...

Very nice and good picture of the cousins. Who did you get to take it?
Glad you all could make it and I think she appreciated it too. In this day and age it might not seem like much to make it to 80. We might think differently though when we get there!